Sunday, June 24, 2007

Stuff + Phuket, Thailand

Hey Everyone!

To catch everyone up on things, I have finished my first term at ECU and just started semester 2 yesterday. School sure didn't go by this fast when I was at A&M! I am taking Nutrition and Exercise Programming this semester, so it's really interesting to me!

I have also been pushing forward with my new company! I am currently working on launching my website for SWEAT FITNESS! Check it out if you can at It's still a work in progress so don't expect too much at this point! I am a certified personal trainer and will make appointments with clients at parks, homes and gyms to help them reach their fitness goals. I am a vendor at my first fair next month to try and get clients!

Speaking of fitness....Rob is becoming Superman before my very eyes. He's really been training hard for the upcoming triathlon on July 28th and get this....he is doing a HALF IRONMAN in September (on your birthday dad!)! He's been cycling, swimming and running like crazy. I am so proud of him. The half Ironman consist of a 1.2 mile swim plus a 56 mile bike ride and finishes off with a 13.1 mile run! Can you believe all that at one time? Here is the route around Singapore - he's basically going around the whole country! Just the yellow part is you can really see how much he is doing in one day!

We just got back from Phuket, Thailand...many of you may recognize this name because it was one of the places effected by the tsunami in Dec. 2004. They have re-built hotels, the landscape is pretty and it's a booming tourist trap again! It POURED rain the first few days we were there. There were some very strong winds and heavy rain and we thought we were in a *spontaneous* monsoon at times! It's was okay though - gave us the chance to truly relax on vacation. We hung out in our room, watched DVD's, took in a few massages and daily naps....not bad! The sun finally came out around the 3rd day so we got some sun and returned with tans afterall! We did a few 'adventure' tours...we went white-water rafting, elephant trekking and snorkeling.

The main thing was getting away, unplugging and enjoying time with each other - which we managed to accomplish! Oh, and yes, as usual, Rob got sick to his tummy and I needed first aide. It wouldn't be a trip without him having MUD-BUTT and me injuring some part of my body. He took meds and was only ill for 24 hours...I just sliced my hand on some barnacles. No worries though - we are back to normal now!

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